Monday, August 29, 2011

The iPods Come to Life!

So, I started the iPod projects today. There were some interesting moments. I have to say that overall, it went well. We recorded our interviews and uploaded them to each child's itunes account at school. I think my favorite part was listening to the boys create "interview voices" while they asked their partner their questions. It made me laugh, especially when they took on a different interview name! I was surprised to see how the children helped each other out with the technology steps and all the children met the goals (in a limited time) (issue number #1)!

The next step will be to take their interviews and turn them into a paragraph. This will be the tie to reviewing writing skills. I am excited to see how well the children do with their paragraphs. This will be a great way to evaluate their work using the 6+1 Traits rubrics. Remember, I'm a traditional girl, with a technology twist!

Then we will start the next technology part...Voicethread! Yay! This is where it gets fun!

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