Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Gift of the Clothespin

So, this post is dedicated to my colleague Chris, who came up with this brilliant idea that I stole (with his permission, of course). As I have been working with my fourth graders in the computer lab, my biggest frustration has been hearing the following words: "Mrs. Karol, I need help!" Don't get me wrong. I love helping the children with their computer needs, but it is overwhelming to hear 5 of them saying that phrase at the same time.

I was venting to my colleague about the iPod project and how it was going well except for the constant need of help. I admit I didn't schedule enough time in the lab for what I wanted the children to do. It all ended up working out fine, but I left feeling like I needed to pull my hair out! Chris told me that he felt the same way, especially when starting a new project. He told me he had thought about giving the children a clothespin or another object to put at the top of their screen as a signal that they needed help. Brilliant! I remember in college, when we were in our education classes, they taught us about little tricks like that and I thought they were great ideas, but never got around to using most of them. Now, this trick has been a life saver!!

We were in the computer lab, typing up our iPod interviews and I explained the system to the children. I told them the things they could work on while I was helping other children and I modeled how to use this new system. I have to say, it has changed the entire mood in the room! I can't tell you how excited I am to use this new concept every time we are in the lab! Hats off to Chris on this idea!


  1. Nice idea. What would happen if... they had to find someone else to answer their questions and only used the clothespin after asking their "collective"?

  2. I love that idea. I'm passing that one on for sure. Thanks!
