Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So Many Things To Choose From

Wikis, forums, Twitter, class website, Moodle, iPods, iPads, and the many websites and blogs...oh my! I'm just bombarded by how much information is out there! I am trying to figure out the best way to incorporate it all into my classroom activities! I have to say that it gives me as much excitement as it does anxiety! Where to start and which activities are the best ways to teach curriculum to children are my two continuing questions.

My latest idea is starting a class blog to use solely as a place to publish written work. I like the idea of sharing globally with other classrooms and receiving feedback from other people, especially since we are now following 17 different classrooms and that number goes up every day! There are so many things our children want to share! The blog idea is formulating in my mind. Our school has an internal blog network that can be shared with anyone, which seems like a safe route to take. I am always thinking about and considering the safety and privacy of our students. I'll keep you posted on this work in progress. I'm sure I'll be asking for comments for our students as soon as it takes off! For now, I'll stick to my tweets, OTHER blogs, and the many magical things happening on our SMARTboard everyday!

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