Thursday, September 15, 2011

Voicethreads and Wikis

We finished our iPod project and I am in the process of final edits on the Voicethread. I sat to listen to the children's interviews and was blown away by their excitement, engagement, and entertainment. It was great to see the children show their personalities through their questions and delivery of the answers. I could tell how much the children enjoyed this project. So, my next adventure to discuss is another collaborative idea by my colleague, Chris. Here is my advertisement for his great idea and my support by passing it on.

Chris has started a wiki page for educators interested in tweeting on Twitter with their classrooms. He has made different areas where educators can contribute to different "hashtag" conversations. It also allows people to leave their Twitter names if they are interested in collaborating with other classrooms through Twitter or other means. It is a great idea. I am excited to see this take off. Feel free to share and contribute!

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